
Dr. Green designs customized training programs to suit your exact needs. Keep that in mind as you read through the information below. Dr. Green is available to lead workshops, retreats, in-service trainings and as a key-note speaker. Contact her to create a training program just right for your group or organization.


Strategies for Success

Format: Learning modules are custom designed to fit your program. Strategies can be offered in various segments, including half hour, fifty minute, one, two, three or four hour segments, spread out over a number of days or within a one or two day format. (See Workshops as well for other topics (create link) (then add this..)

In addition to any training package, Dr Green is available for individual consultations.

Topics include:

Whole Brain Integration: Living a Life at Ease

  • Jump start your brain to function in high gear, immediately.
  • Relieve emotional and mental stress, quickly and easily
  • Discover an effortless quality to life, with whatever you are doing, through body, speech and mind.
  • Receive life long tools to keep yourself on track with your life, energized, revitalized and refreshed!

Effective Communication

Language is powerful. If only effective communication were taught throughout grammar school, at the very least, as a basic skill for all human beings to possess, imagine the kind of world we would live in today. Expressing our joys and concerns, giving and receiving appreciation, conflict resolution, acknowledging our differences and our similarities with peace would flourish and be part of our realitLearn to:

  • Empower yourself through your language
  • Actively Listen
  • Eliminate the Blame Game
  • Identify your personal perceptual profile
  • Refine your communication style based on your perceptual profile
  • Understand how you 1) receive information 2) process information 3) express yourself in your most intimate relationships
  • Communicate effectively with others

Develop Your Best Learning Style

  • Identify your unique learning style
  • Are you predominantly visual, auditory or kinesthetic?
  • Apply your learning style to the matter at hand, whatever you are learning
  • Increase your knowledge base exponentially as a result

Seeing is Believing: The Use of Visualization and Relaxation to Create Success

  • Increase confidence in your abilities, without a doubt.
  • Clear intention delivers proven results. Clarify your intention and imagine moving through the steps required to attain your desired outcome, successfully.
  • Employ the same techniques as Olympic athletes to ensure your success.

Relaxed, Refreshed and Alert! : Take Care of Your Body

  • Discover how to replenish your vitality quickly and easily.
  • Incorporate energizing breaks in your busy day which revitalize body and mind!
  • Learn how to get the most restorative sleep.

Developmental Stages of Groups

Any group with a shared focus, be it a professional group, group of co-workers, staff, executives, friends, or a mutual support group, moves through a variety of specific stages as part of their development.

In this training a highly effective model for understanding the stages is presented, step-by-step. Key words and in-depth information is given such that you will be able to identify these phases as they are occurring, amidst the fray and activity of a group.

As a leader, a manager, or member of a group it is invaluable to recognize these stages in operation and work with them actively. Groups are most effective when all involved understand the natural progression of group development.

When a group is developed with conscious  of its natural stages, leadership is welcome, proves more effective, productivity increases, individual’s contributions are valued and enhanced, and teamwork becomes a joy. These are the results of a group that develops consciously.

Accelerated Learning : Study Skills

The type of accelerated learning package developed for Passing Medical Board Exams can be used in all academic settings to help students study effectively and pass exams with ease. See Medical Board Review Course Trainings for specific details.

Fundamentals of Transpersonal Counseling
This training is normally given as an academic course in Colleges and Universities. It can be structured in a number of ways, including a week intensive, weekend(s) intensive, or a weekly series.

The Syllabus includes the following topics:

Overview of Transpersonal Counseling
Essential Qualities of a Transpersonal Therapist
Clarifying One’s Intention and Motivation
Developing Effective Language
Active Listening
Working with Resistance
Principles of Gestalt
Theory of Personality
Indentification and Disidentification
Voice Dialogue
Stages of Will
Highest Purpose Exercise
Stages of Group Development


Texts: The Unfolding Self by Molly Brown
Psychosynthesis and The Act of Will by Roberto Assagioli
(various texts and articles are used given the format of the training)

Medical Board Review Course Trainings

Strategies for Success: The Secret To Passing Board Exams

Since 1999, Dr. Green has provided accelerated learning programs to physicians preparing to pass medical board exams. A complete package is available to participants of Board Review Courses.

Objective: Provide accelerated learning techniques for passing Board Exams.

Immediately applicable techniques are taught which increase skills of

  • Focus
  • Concentration
  • Comprehension
  • Retention
  • Recall
  • Memory
  • Time Management

Confidence in taking and passing standardized tests

In addition to any training package, Dr. Green is available for individual consultations

To set up a training e-mail me at [email protected]!
